Stephanie's Search Engine

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

{10 Tips For Water Conservation}

With the slumping economy and devalued home loans, many of us are looking for ways to save resources.  Water conservation is not only easy on our wallets, but also necessary during a time when water shortages worldwide has become a tragic reality.

Below are 10 money saving ideas to assist your family in utilizing this precious resource more responsibly.

1.  Sprinkler Use.  To make your sprinklers as efficient as possible, try to use them during the coolest hours of the day, either during the morning or evenings.  This helps to minimize evaporatin due to heat.  And adjust your sprinklers so that you aren't watering the sidewalk or driveway.

2.  Rain Sensors.  Install this tool on your irrigation controller.

3. Responsible Landscaping.  Consider a Southwestern design that uses many drought resistant plants, supplemented by rocks and stones.

4.  Washing Dishes.  Have one side of your sink filled with soapy water to wash dishes, and then fill the other side of  your sink with clean water for rinsing.  This prevents you from having a steady stream of water running while you rinse.

5.  Washing Clothes.  Energy Star rated applianced reportedly use 30-50% less water, not to mention provide you with incredible energy savings.

6.  Water Level.  Be sure that your laundry load size matches the load setting so that the amount of water used is adjusted accordingly. 

7.  Cleaning The Drive.  Consider using a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway and sidewalks.  Recent statistics report this small change can save 80 gallons of water each time.

8.  Low Flush Toilets.  These efficient toilets use around 1.6 gallons a flush, as opposed to 3.5 with standard toilets, which saves you up to $100/year in utility costs.

9.  Water Efficient Showerhead.  Very inexpensive and can save up to 750 gallons of water each month.

10. Pools.  Pools can have leaks which are hard to detect.  Use a grease pencil to record the water level of your pool and then check back in 24 hours to see if the water level has remained consistent.

If you have any other money saving ideas that can be easily implemented around the home, feel free to share them here!!!

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